Indisputable Proof That Not All Debts Are the Same

You’ve probably heard commercials and seen advertisements for plenty of debt management programs in the past few years, most of which promise to fix all your financial problems and make your debt go away like magic. The hard truth is that you’re the only one who can really make your debt go away, and it’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of planning. Furthermore, when it comes to debt management plans, they shouldn’t be a “one size fits all” type of solution — and you shouldn’t settle for debt management services that treat finances in that way.
In fact, not all debt is the same. Sure, it’s all just a number amount that keeps increasing over time and it’s the cause of so much stress in your life, but the best financial management plan for you depends largely on the types of debts you owe. For example,
Student loan debts are becoming more common, and more unmanageable, for young Americans who have recently graduated from college. The average amount of student loan debt that college students graduate with is around $31,000, but keep in mind that this is just the average. For students who attended expensive private schools, or lost scholarships, or simply thought that they’d be able to find a well-paying job after graduation, the amount of loan debts can be much, much higher. It can be difficult to manage these debts because the loans come from multiple lenders, all with different interest rates — and if you don’t have a stable job that pays well, paying off those loans quickly is pretty much impossible.
Medical care is becoming another big source of debt in the U.S., and it’s estimated that about 41% of all working Americans are paying off debts from medical bills. It’s common for older adults to face this problem — after all, no one anticipated the collapse of the American economy a few years ago, and if you had a pension plan or retirement fund set up, you probably didn’t anticipate the disappearance of these programs.
Credit card debt, last but not least, is one of the staples in the world of horrible debts, and it’s estimated that Americans collectively owe about $850 billion of credit card debts. Credit card companies are great at offering initial interest rates and rewards programs to convince people to sign up, and then sneakily changing those rates and rewards. Unlike loans, credit card debt can be particularly difficult to handle because you have the ability to keep spending more money that isn’t yours, and the interest rates on your cards can change very quickly if you miss a payment.
Maybe you’re dealing with just one of these situations, maybe two — maybe even all three. The one thing that’s consistent, however, is that you deserve a financial plan for your own situation.
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